Monday, June 3, 2024

Review 489: Get Me Through the Next Five Minutes

Get Me Through the Next Five Minutes: Odes to Being Alive Get Me Through the Next Five Minutes: Odes to Being Alive by James Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is a collection of short essays each on a subject as an “Ode”. They are a positive reflection, a way of acknowledging something in a positive light in a light-hearted and quirky way. Most of these first appeared in the Atlantic magazine are collected here for publication as a book.
I had not read anything by James Parker before but the idea and the cover hit my funny-bone for a moment so I picked up the book. I read a few “Odes” a day which is a good way to get through this book.

As with other collections, some are better than others, some will appeal to one or other. I didn’t like the ones that delved deep into soccer and sports, but some fans will likely appreciate that more than myself.

These daily things one would not expect to appreciate held a wide range an example of some - an Ode to: Middle Age, Rushing, Sitting There, Not Meditating, and so on.

Thanks to W.W. Norton and NetGalley for an uncorrected electronic advance review copy of this book.

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