Friday, September 17, 2021

Review 250: Gin

Gin Gin by Shonna Milliken Humphrey
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

One of my favorite alcohol drinks is a Gin & Tonic with lime. 

This book is what I expected of Object Lessons series to be like. There is a history, a rumination, and exploration about the object in question and with a little author history, but not too much. Of course, now that I’ve read a few of these books I realize that was my idea, not necessarily the editors or publisher’s idea. Okay, I understand now, it is up to the author to take on the topic with nearly no limitations.

Yet, here we do have an investigation of gin, it’s beginnings and history, why it became popular in England, and why it continues to be popular and not just in England. How gin is made, types and flavors, and what cocktail drinks are popular with gin in it. We also have an exploration of gin appearing in books, movies, songs and other popular culture. And a fun section on gincindents, where embarrassing moments arise from consuming too much of that gin. For myself I loved reading the history of gin the most.

While enjoying the book’s topics there were times the writing style was awkward, and perhaps this was fixed before publication. I can only go by the copy I have, which is a pre-publication.

Thanks to Bloomsbury Academic and NetGalley for an uncorrected electronic advance review copy of this book.

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