Monday, May 8, 2023

Review 401: Father of the Rain

Father of the Rain Father of the Rain by Lily King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A family story, or more to the point a father-daughter story. The story is told in three parts.

In the first part Daley is eleven and exposed to so much inappropriateness for her age, finally her mother cannot take the drinking so the parents divorce.

The second part is later, as an adult, 18 years later and Daley is about to embark on a significant career move with her boyfriend who gave up his great job to be with her. But a crisis develops, her father's life has fallen apart and Daley helps to get her father sober.

The last part is the shortest section of the book, and again years later, when the father is very ill. The phone call you don't want to get, your father is on his death bed, come say goodbye.

It was a decent story, but wouldn't say great. I question why there was so much of this exposing the child to sex and it not really coming up again later. Daley has a much older brother, who is barely in the book, and the mother is bit of a side character as well, really everyone is except the father and daughter. Perhaps there was too much focus there.

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