Monday, February 7, 2022

Review 297: Mister Abracadabra

Mister Abracadabra Mister Abracadabra by Charonne Wali
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

North of Moon…South of the Earth…East of the Sun…and West of the North Star…Abracabraland!

Tommy and Suzie are getting tucked into bed and have many questions for mom. After she leaves the room they wish and wish, then a bright star comes down and into their room appears Mister Abracadabra. He takes them on a short journey across the universe to Abracadabraland, where they met a variety of characters. Here everything is alive and talks, benches, fishes, bridges, scarecrows, and everyone seems happy with the children.

They come across pirates in their adventure, who want gold or they must walk the plank, but the pirates turn our harmless with some of Mister Abracadabra’s magic. Soon the children realize they must return home and off they go back into their room and bed. 

It has a feeling of Peter Pan with a bit of other children classics mixed in. The illustrations have multitudes of colors and patterns mixed, it’s a busy blend of imagery. The writing fills up several pages, then turning the page you may see an image for the scene with a very small bit of writing repeated. There are chapters with this book too, although not exceedingly long.

Certainly I read this several times as a child, but it didn’t remain with me, as I forgot the book entirely. It is a whimsical book.

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