Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Review 24: The Lost Letters of William Woolf

The Lost Letters of William Woolf The Lost Letters of William Woolf by Helen Cullen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was mixed for me. One aspect it felt cozy and cute, and I wondered how that could be when it's about a couple who is unsure their marriage should continue. We mostly get his view point, William Woolf, and he isn't sure what he truly wants. Not only does he reminisce about the beginning of his relationship with his wife Claire, but also there's this mysterious woman.

William works at the Dead Letters Depot and solving postal mysteries is his job. Yet he also attributes mystical or otherworldly aspects to some, including a series of letters he reads from a woman naming herself Winter.

Winter is the mystery and perhaps they are destined to be together. But what about his solid love for Claire. Should he try to resolve what he has already?

We also get a little from Claire and her view, and hints that her childhood wasn't ideal and has held her back in many ways, including wanting a child. Claire seems unsure about continuing her marriage with William as well.

We have this back and forth through nearly the entire book. And at times I found it frustrating, was this the entire book? That isn't cozy and sweet! Yet the book had that appeal, and perhaps can attribute it to the Britishness (if that's a word) of the book. The weather, tea and the pub. It is England! There's the brief holiday to Ireland as well.

This is a love story, but one on the rocks. Do they save their marriage? Does William find Winter? These are the questions you can only find out in reading the book, No Spoilers! And those are the questions that kept me reading.

Thanks to Harlequin-Graydon House and NetGalley for an uncorrected electronic advance review copy of this book.

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