Monday, August 19, 2024

Review 507: Dust

Dust Dust by Hugh Howey
My rating: 3.75 of 5 stars

This isn’t really a review of the book, it’s my reading experience…there’s all sorts of reviews already written so didn’t feel like a summary of what happened was necessary.

The first book in this series I had low expectations and was blown away by the book. I read it quickly and enjoyed it quite a bit. The second book took me years to get to, this is why I don’t like series, there can be a long time lag between reading the books and yep, I forgot the details of the book, but not the overall arch. Book two was a prequel type anyway, taking place many, many years before book one.

In any case I didn’t enjoy book two so much. Maybe it was the high expectations after book one. So going into book three I wasn’t sure how I would take it. Turns out somewhere in the middle. I definitely liked it more than the second book, but not nearly as enjoyable as the first. I think there was something unique with the first one and after that none of the other books could live up to it.
In any case, I’m glad I didn’t wait many years, between book two and three. It was nearly a year between these two, but not so long ago that many of the details were forgotten.

I liked the conclusion to this book, it was quite satisfying.

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