Friday, August 11, 2023

Review 421: Feed

Feed Feed by M.T. Anderson
My rating: 3.25 of 5 stars

A dystopian world of a possible future, where the internet is embedded into people's brains, the younger the better. The feed provides direct communication chats, news, and even better shopping ideas, sales and more! The feed even runs while they sleep. Of course it's all run by corporations, which have taken over the schools(trademarked!) as well. Sounds horrid!

The main characters are teenagers, and their slang is oriented to computers, and at first is very jarring, hard to follow. But after a while, either it makes sense or it settled down, but I could get what they were saying. Oh, but their English skills have degenerated so much!

Titus and his friends go to the moon for Easter break, and he meets a girl Violet who becomes his girlfriend. That night almost everyone in their group gets hacked and their feed is offline for a few days while the doctors and technicians make sure everything is okay.

I was hoping this would lead to them liking it being off, but the book didn’t go that way. Instead it went a different direction, which was perhaps more realistic.

Violet’s father is a professor and studies languages not used anymore, home-school’s Violet. She sees things in a vastly different way than Titus, and opens his eyes to something else that may be going on in the world than their antics and shopping. He doesn’t seem to want to learn about that stuff, like many teenagers.

In the background we see the world, nature is nothing but artificial. There’s even housing pods with their own sun, let alone how tall these housing units go, one would expect that’s to accommodate the exploding population.

This is a dark book, sad, and grim look at a future. Yet there is humor in what these teenagers do and how they talk.

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