Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 Year in Review: Summation and Statistics - facts and details

2020 Year in Review post will be about the numbers.

Books read: 105
including 6 partial read books.

This is slightly down from last year.  This year brought such great changes. I always thought more time at home would mean more reading time, well the pandemic and working from home proved that thought as incorrect. I lost my commuting time, which was spent reading books, print or eBooks if I was on the train, and audiobooks if I was driving. My commute is roughly 3 hours per day (1.5 hrs each way) and this is a large amount of time that was mostly spent with books. While working at home there was more television time, and at times I just couldn't ignore the noise and succumbed.  I also changed jobs, slightly, and this new job meant more learning time, more time reading for work, and less time with audio books while working. All in all I'm surprised I ended up with 99 books completed.  

My goodreads account shows a lower number completed as 97. The difference is with the two books I did not want to add to my public account. Gotta keep some things as mystery. Why, what is it? Well, such as one was a reference book about growing plants. See it's boring.

I listened to 48 audio books. Some of these are not included in the number above since a few were more like podcasts, or short stories, things free from Audible. This year they added a huge catalog of books that could be listened to for free without purchasing, but I have yet to take advantage of listening to any of these. 

All in all a good amount of reading and listening did get done, despite the less time spent doing it. One thing I did do more consistently with audio books was turn up the speed. I'm usually now listening at 1.25 times the regular rate. Even with the upped speed I believe I read faster than the time it takes for an audio books.

I had 3 goals for 2020, and all I did achieve.  

1 - net gain of books to zero
2 - listen to all audio books bought in 2019
3 - read at least 48 books from my owned TBR (to be read)

With no in person library conference my gain of new print books was very low. I did acquire a few pre-pub books through the mail, but not like the haul I get at library conferences. I did buy some books, as usual, most being audio books, but also some print and eBooks.  For what I took off my owned and to read list to newly acquired books I had a net LOSS of 2 books.  I believe this is the first time ever, at least as long as I've been tracking things, which is ten years or more, depending on how you want to count it.  I've been actively on Goodreads since 2011, so this will be my tenth year. I joined in 2009, but hardly had any activity for the first two years.  I also used to keep a spreadsheet of my books, which was never completely done, and prior to that I had my own card file, which also was never done. Still using these methods I didn't fully track what read to what I bought. I more closely tracked what I read starting around 1996. But back then I wasn't tracking what I bought...anyway.....

2021 goals: 

1 - net gain of books to zero
2 - read all the NetGalley books acquired in 2020 (35 books)
3 - read at least 48 books from my owned TBR (to be read)
4 - read at least 5 books checked out from library

Some of the books on the to read pile I'd like to read:

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