Monday, November 18, 2019

Review 90: Influx

Influx Influx by Daniel Suarez
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

What if our technological inventions were way more advanced than was commonly known? What if these inventions were being controlled by a secret organization that ensures these innovations are kept secret and out of public knowledge? This is the premise of this book. John Grady discovers a way to control gravity, "invents" an anti-gravity mirror, then falls into the rabbit hole of this secret organization. What happens keeps you guessing.

There are moments of explaining the technology, and other moments of pure thriller chase type scenes. I loved the premise and how the book wasn't predicable for most of the book, until it was with some aspects that seem to occupy many other books. Have to say the chase scenes were slightly unique due to the technology enlisted, but same premise. Still, the book is a decent read.

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